水平尺下载_水平尺安卓版下载_水平尺 2.1.1手机版免费下载

如果您需要说明是否一个特定的表面均匀,应用最好的水平是专为您服务!有了这个虚拟仪器,功能相同的,因为它是真实的物理当量(又称libella,水平尺或水平仪),你可以很容易地检查被测表面是真正均匀。不同类型的精神层面的可以由木匠,石匠,瓦匠等建筑行业的工人,测量师和金属制造工。经典测量水平旁最好等级还包含校准选项和靶心水平(也称为圆形气泡),其同时测量水平在两个维度 – 水平和垂直。如果测得的表面均匀,屏幕上会显示该球成了红色。如果表面不平整,球会保持灰色和将位于取景器中心之外。你可以用它来测量高度,屋顶,货架 – 任何倾向。它采用加速度传感器来帮助你的垂直/水平测试(几乎)任何对象,具有显示屏,显示数字的角度带或不带小数。我们推荐谁欣赏精密工具所有的用户我们的应用程序最好的水平!这是每一个勤杂工,DIY和智能手机持有人一个完美的应用程序。根据维基百科:一个测斜仪或测斜仪是一种仪器,用于测量斜率(或倾斜),抬高或对象的倾斜角度相对于重力。它也被称为梯度计,梯度仪,液位计,料位计,磁偏,和间距辊指示器。—-EnglishIf you need to indicate whether a specific surface is even, the application Best Level was designed for you!With this virtual instrument, functioning the same as it’s real physical equivalent (also known as libella, spirit level or bubble level), you can easily check if the measured surface is truly even. Different types of spirit levels may be used by carpenters, stonemasons, bricklayers and other building trades workers, surveyors and metalworkers. Best Level beside the classical measure level contains also the calibration option and the bull\’s eye level (also known as circular bubble) which measures the level simultaneously in two dimensions – horizontal and vertical. If measured surface is even, the ball shown on screen will became red. If surface is unlevel, the ball will remain gray and will be situated outside the center of viewfinder.You can use it to measure the elevation, roof, shelf – any inclination. It uses accelerometer to help you test (almost) any object for plumb/level and has display that shows numeric angle with or without decimals.We recommend our application Best Level for all users who appreciate precision tools! It is a perfect app for every handyman, DIY and smartphone holder.According to wikipedia: An inclinometer or clinometer is an instrument for measuring angles of slope (or tilt), elevation or inclination of an object with respect to gravity. It is also known as gradient meter, gradiometer, level gauge, level meter, declinometer, and pitch & roll indicator. 来自应用汇: 水平尺 http://www.appchina.com/app/pl.netigen.bestlevel?from=spi-desc

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